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 My grandmother is one of the most optimistic persons that I've ever known. Her attitude encouraged me to face many challenges in my life bravely. I hope the conversations between us could also give others some inspiration and courage.




/ 2016 / 37 min


  My grandmother suffered from all kinds of diseases since her 40’s. Now she is getting 70 years old and the diseases she’s living with became a part of her. For the first time she sat in front of my camera and talked about all the experiences of how she got sick and how she was cured. Death and getting old is not a taboo for her, but something she has been through many times. The family issues and the serious diseases did not destroy her. On the contrary, she gains happiness from every recovery. 


Dieseases/ 2016/ 185*185 mm


It is said that  documentary is the most similar video form to literature. If the documentary is a biography of my grandmother, then the picture book is a short poem, which I wrote for her. 

2,7,10 / 2016 / 185*185mm


  Er Qi Shi(2,7,10) is a very local and very traditional card game in my hometown. Nowadays there are mostly old people still playing it.

  My huge interest in this card game came from a course study of typography design. It was at that time that I noticed, how unique are the characters on the cards and also how important the game is, in my grandparents’ daily life.This book tells the story of my grandparents and the Leshan city from my view.It includes original photography, articles and illustration. All the contents were collected when I was shooting the documentary about my grandmother.

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