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A explain video about the 10 early symptoms and signs of Alzheimer's Diease, which are often ignored and miss understood.


To make a video, that attracts more attention to Alzheimer's disease, I've done some researches about, what kind of information is most helpful and important. Thus I found out, that the early signs and symptoms are still not well-known. So that many patients miss the best intervention timing and the families often take some behaviors caused by symptoms personally. So I decided to create a video, which includes the 10 early signs and symptoms of AD and 10 stories, which show the misunderstandings of the corresponding symptoms.

What does

"Yellow Oranges” 

actually mean?

  Using known things to understand strange objects is a common cognitive method. For instance when a person, who only knows oranges, sees a lemon for the first time, he or she may describe it as a “yellow orange”. This cognitive stage is also where misunderstandings und misjudgments happen...


I use the yellow orange as a metaphor, to show that we do know Alzheimers disease but we don't really know much about it.​There are three parts of the video: intro, stories, and the end. There are 10 real stories, which show the typical 10 early signs and symptoms.

1. Story 


I called my father today to tell him that I will drop by this weekend. At the end of the call he asked me “what was your name again?” .


1. Symptom


Memory loss that disrupts daily life. 

2. Story 


My husband was very frustrated this morning, because he couldn’t deal with our taxation forms. He had been a tax consultant (Accountant)for 35 years before his retirement.


2. Symptom


Challenges in planning or solving problems


3. Story 


One of my children didn’t show up at the kindergarten in the morning,

 I called his mother and she told me that she couldn’t unlock the car doors and has been sitting in the parking lot with her son for 2 hours.


3. Symptom


Difficulty completing familiar tasks.


4. Story 


I had to pick my husband up, because he got lost only 2 blocks away from home. He insisted that he was not drunk.


4. Symptom

Confusion with time or place.


5. Story 


My wife hit the road blocks 3 times this week at the same place. 


5. Symptom


Difficulty completing familiar tasks.


6. Story 


My dad called his watch a “hand-clock” because he couldn’t come up with the word watch.


6. Symptom

New problems with words in speaking or writing.


7. Story 


My mom lost her keys. I found them in a corner of the fridge after all the locks in the house had been changed already.


7. Symptom

Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps.


8. Story 


My best friend stopped attending our dance course without any reason. She didn’t show up for our weekly coffee on Sunday either. When I met her later on, she seemed just fine. 


8. Symptom

Withdrawal from work or social activities.


9. Story 


My mom gave a porcelain figurine to my 3-year-old son as a birthday gift.


9. Symptom


Decreased or poor judgment.


10. Story 


My father accused us of putting too much sugar in his dishes to make his diabetes worse and threw the plates to the ground. 


10. Symptom


Changes in mood and personality.


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