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A dirty campaign for clean ocean​s

  The hygiene standard in modern society is getting higher and higher, while our oceans are getting more dirty.  Why don't we just stop to clean and make the oceans cleaner.




  Many people do not know microplastics and haven't realized that many products in our everyday life contain microplastics.





  Therefore is our task to show more people the existence of microplatic, and also the works of OEOO, which is cleaning the plastic pollution in oceans.




  Most of us prefer to live in a clean enviroment, thatʼs why we clean our rooms, cloths and dishes routinely. However our clean routines can lead to more pullution in the ocean. Because there are a lot of cleaning products con- taining microplastics. Additionally the packages of the cleaning products and the cleaning tools made of plastics will also cause more plastic waste. So our question here is, a clean room and a dirty ocean, or a dirty room and a clean ocean?




We designed a series of moving posters, that show three dirty scenes in our daily life. By putting the slogan on the posters, we want to point out, that we are proud of being “not clean”, because the ocean is then cleaner. So a contrast is created between the slogans and the messy and dirty scenes on the  posters.

The Dirty Facts

The additional motion graphics designed to show, the common products in our life, that could lead to microplastic pollutions.

The Dirty T-Shirt

  We also designed a T-shirt for the campaign. There is a slogan on the fronts side of this T-shirt At the back side is the fact, that cloth washing creates microplastic pollution.



Front side:


"This T-shirt has not been washed for three weeks"



Back Side:


"The laundry detergent contains many microplastics, most of them get into the ocean and pollute the environment."

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