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  Introducing the idea of protecting the oceans and the marine animals is the main purpose of this toy.​ It is also a great way for the kids and parents to learn about plastic pollution together.


  OEOO’s work is financed exclusively through donations, namely through private donations and sponsors, which means OEOO is a non-profit organization whose budgets are limited.

  The current merchandising articles are not very attractive, so OEOO couldn’t really gain some financial support through selling these articles.



  OEOO should therefore be supported communicatively. Anything that makes the company’s goals transparent or helps finance its complex projects is welcome.


  If we can get interested people to approach OEOO’s topics in a playful way; if we address several generations at the same time - then the sales success in merchandising could grow strongly.


"The         Way          Out"


  Based on the plastic toy “Rush Hour”, we developed a wooden game in which one sea creature is prevented from surviving by different plastic waste. The animal can only survive once the garbage has been cleared out of the way.

The toy consists of 3 parts:
- The game board with the exit

- 3 animal modules

- 18 plastic garbage modules of different lengths.


​The 18 modules are sorted into 3 levels. Which is based on the type of the plastic garbages. The difficulty of the level is based on how difficult the garbage recycled.

 The purpose is to move all the modules and bring the animal module out through the exit.

The whole product includes

-The toy

-The package

-A brochure 

-A poster

-post cards

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